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3 Ways to Celebrate The Spring Equinox With Interior Design

The vernal equinox is right around the corner. It is a time to celebrate the end of winter and turn our attention towards warmer weather, longer daylight hours, and fresh flowers in the garden. This year the equinox occurs on Sunday, March 20th. In case you need a refresher, the Vernal equinox is one of two times during the year when the sun is directly above the equator, making day and night close to equal length. The other time of year that this occurs is the autumnal equinox in the fall. Equinoxes were often celebrated by ancient cultures that saw them as significant for their growing seasons, religious ceremonies, trade, etc, and many of these celebrations continue today. For example, in Japan, the spring equinox is a public holiday that originated from the ancient Shinto religion. In India and Nepal Holi is celebrated on the first full moon before the spring equinox. The most popular holiday originating from celebrations around the spring equinox is Easter. Eostre was an anglo Saxon pagan goddess of spring and renewal. Eostre revived a dying bird by changing it into an egg-laying rabbit. The rabbit was so touched that it laid colorful eggs for Eostre in return. In Germany, the goddesses name was Ostara. Festivals around the spring equinox involved painted eggs and rabbits because both were fertility symbols as Christianity began to gain popularity in Europe the pagan holiday over time blended with the crucifixion and rebirth of Jesus. Today the German word for Easter is Ostern, just as it was when celebrating Ostara.

At Camp Copeland Studio, we also view the spring equinox as a time of transition. The days start to get longer, the grass turns green and a sense of optimism hangs in the air. For interior design, it’s a time of transition as well. It is a time to shift away from warm cozy blankets and add more houseplants and bright colors. Last September I wrote an article on three ways to celebrate the fall equinox through interior design which you can view here. In preparation for the start of spring, I will offer three ways to celebrate the vernal equinox with interior design based on rituals devoted to this time of year.

Brighten Up Your Interior Design With Colorful Pastels

Last week I wrote this article titled What is Danish Pastel and why you should use it in your home. I can’t think of a better time to add cheerful colors like pastels to your interior design than now. Not only do tinted color hues boost your mood when used in your home, but they are also associated with Easter and renewal. As I mentioned earlier, colorful Easter eggs can be traced back to pagan celebrations to Eostre and the egg-laying rabbit. The pastel colors used today to paint the eggs also have a religious origin. They are symbolic of the Christian celebration of Easter. Whether or not you celebrate the holiday, pastels are a wonderful way to liven up your interior design after a long cold winter. One does not have to be religious to dye eggs. You can also try hanging some lilac curtains in your bedroom, painting a wall sky blue, or buying a peach soap dish for your kitchen. The gorgeous soap is from our friends at Sleepy Hollow Handmade.

A peach colored fused glass self draining soap dish with handmade soap in a kitchen with a sea foam green wall.
Pastel colors are cheerful and can boost your mood

Spring Cleaning For Your Home, Your Mind, And Your Spirit

Spring cleaning is something that we enjoy here at Camp Copeland Studio. It’s a ritual that not only cleanses but reinvigorates our home. Cleaning out the clutter that accumulates during the winter, and opening the windows chases away the colder stale environment. Spring cleaning is a chance to shed the winter norms and embrace rebirth, optimism, and opportunity. Many cultures found spring cleaning to be an essential time. In Jewish custom, spring cleaning is performed in preparation for Passover to clean the chametz from your home. For Nowruz, Persian New Year, many still practice “Khane Tekani" meaning "shaking the house". During this ritual, everything gets thoroughly cleaned and fresh flowers such as tulips are brought into the home.

Cleaning and decluttering can lead to a much happier life. I have written about it before in our blog. Cleaning and organizing your house creates a balanced atmosphere at home and can decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol. When your spring cleaning is finished add some items to help you stay organized throughout the rest of the year. Our hanging magazine holder and mail organizers are great to clear the clutter from your table in a fashionable way.


Add Fresh Flowers or Flower Wall Decor As Symbols of Renewal

Our third way to celebrate spring is by using flowers as part of your interior design theme. Nothing says spring has sprung like bright bursting colors of fresh flowers in the yard. Splashes of yellow, pink, red, and orange in a freshly green yard epitomize the season. Daffodils are often the first flowers to bloom this time of year. Because of this, they have earned a reputation as the symbol of the changing season and are used in ceremonies for both the vernal equinox as well as Easter. Altars dedicated to Eostre often included fresh flowers and plants. Daffodils are a symbol of rebirth and new beginnings and their cheerful and energizing color can naturally boost your mood. I have written about the benefits of using the color yellow in your interior design before on the blog. I have also written about how flowers, plants, and nature can help us become more mindful. Spring is the perfect time to incorporate nature into your home. Dust off your vases and cut some flowers from your yard. If you can not have fresh flowers due to allergies, try using colorful flower art and wall decor like our floral block prints. The imagery of nature has a similar positive effect as the real thing.

A handmade flower block depicting daffodils hangs on a sage green wall next to a vase with golden rod.
Flowers such as daffodils and flower decor art signs of renewal and rebirth

Final Thoughts

The Spring Equinox signifies the end of winter and a time of renewal. It is a period of transition and optimism that can last the rest of the year. Refreshing your interior design can evoke this feeling of optimism in your home as well. We hope that our three tips have inspired you to embrace the season in your mind and your home. What are some of your favorite ways to celebrate spring? Is there any specific spring decor you can not wait to bring into your home? We would love to hear all about it. You can use the comments section below or email any thoughts or questions you may have to If you enjoyed this article please sign up for our newsletter or subscribe to our site. You can also connect with us on Instagram and Pinterest or Twitter or Linkedin. It would be great to meet you! Happy Spring!

Thanks for reading,

Alyssa and Drew


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